07 October 2022

Dynapack Asia 2022 Report on Ellen Mc-Arthur (EMF) Global Commitments.

Dynapack Asia Report As New Plastic Economy (NPE) Signatory

Dynapack Asia wants to share numbers submitted last July in its fourth Report to Ellen Mc Arthur's Foundation (EMF) on the New Plastic Economy (NPE) initiative and the Global Commitments (GC). The report is based on our 2021 production and highlights our progress in transforming our plastic packaging business to a more circular economy:

1.  Recyclability of our products

     81% “technically” recyclable, an increase of 11% vs. 2020

2.  70% Recyclable, Reusable or Compostable as per the EMF key metric

    Recycled-resin use: 5.5%, an increase of 32% vs. 2020

3.  Elimination of problematic packaging: -999 tons vs. 2020 (materials, formats or components)

4.  Development of reuse products: 0%, no change

Note: here, we previously considered our Tupperware products to be “reusable”, and reported them as such in the 2021 report. However, after reviewing with the EMF and looking at The Tupperware Company's input, we are now excluding them.

Dynapack Asia Recyclability Rate Reported in Global Commitment Report 2022

Dynapack Asia joined the EMF GC initiative in October 2018 as one of the first plastic packaging converters. Our efforts to build better and eco-friendly plastic packaging products are part of our 2030 strategy, and we want to pave the way toward a circular economy in South-East-Asia and China, where our business operates. 

Besides the above key metrics, we also want to share more details about the following actions:

  • Reducing heavy metal-based materials (MB): Since 2019, we have focused on reducing the use of masterbatch (colorants) containing heavy metals, especially for the red, orange, and yellow colors. They are usually cheaper and easier to produce those colors, but they are dangerous for the employees’ health (during masterbatch production), the environment, and potentially the consumers/users of the final packaging products.  In 2021, we produced 280 tons less products containing heavy-metal MB, or 35% less, by stopping using 9 sku's containing MB with heavy-metal.
  • Reducing the use of problematic resins such as PETG (Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol), HIPS (High Impact Polystyrene), and GPPS (General Purpose Polystyrene). Few of our products were still using those materials and will switch to using PET material or be eliminated. While PETG, HIPS, and GPPS are cost-effective, durable, and unbreakable, they are difficult to recycle as their recycling process requires a much higher temperature than standard PET. Therefore, they will likely end up in incineration or landfill. Worst, they can contaminate PET recycling, as products look very similar.  In 2021, we used 635 tons less than in 2020, or -5%.
  • Reducing the use of plastic bags and secondary packaging. We increased our buying of resin in jumbo-sized bags instead of the standard 25 Kg bags and the use of returnable boxes for products we deliver to our customers. In 2021, we bought 80% of our resin volumes via 25 Kg bags, vs. 88% back in 2018, which changed ~2%/year.
  • Replacing plastic packaging labels with paper materials. We could change 20% of our plastic labels to paper-based materials, which are easier to decompose or process into recycling streams. 60 tons less in 2021 vs. 2020, or -22%

To further demonstrate our engagement in creating a Circular Economy for plastic packaging, we are also glad to share below the pictures of our new Recycling PET factory, Amandina Bumi Nusantara, which was developed in 2021 and started to operate in Q2 2022. This project was done as a Joint Venture collaboration with Coca-Cola Europacific Partner in West Java, Indonesia, with a location in Bekasi/Cikarang, 30 km East of Jakarta.


Amandina Bumi Nusantara Factory at Cikarang

As we progress on our journey to Sustainable plastic packaging, let us know if you have any questions or comments, and happy to engage for collaborations and projects in Asia.