23 May 2023

Safer Roads Ahead: Essential Skills for Safe Riding

Safety Riding

We are continuing our safe riding training program this year, with plans to reach more of our team members, as their safety is our priority. In the first quarter, we conducted 3 training sessions at Wahana Jatake with a total of 70 employees joined the program.

Our training sessions take place at the Astra Honda Motor Safety Riding Park (AHM-SRP) in Deltamas, Cikarang, Indonesia, where we have a longstanding partnership with AHM dating back to 2021 for conducting safety riding training. The program includes both theoretical and practical aspects, including sessions on safe driving practices and exercises to develop riding skills and confidence on the road. It also involves regular vehicle maintenance checks, safety audits of routes and work areas, and the provision of appropriate safety gear and equipment.

We believe that education is essential to progress. By reaching more employees through our safety riding program this year with 10 planned sessions, we aim to reduce the number of work accidents caused by road accidents. Ensuring workplace safety through safe riding practices can significantly impact employee well-being and productivity.